Week 4
Week 4 Pictograms/block graphs (Please label week 4 and add to your folder)
I'm sure you have realised that our children change week by week. If a child has not yet understood a topic, even though we will have a new focus each week for Maths, we would still be doing intervention sessions for past topics. So, if your child struggled with subtraction, keep working on that area too.
Day 1: Video clip showing what a pictogram is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQDmO1IcTdE
Day 2: Video clip showing what a pictogram is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWoya4T37PU Pause the clip to allow your child to count and answer the questions about more, least and addition.
Day 3: Video clip showing a tally chart as well as pictograms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFI3L4Pq34M this is advanced. If your child is not yet ready. Please carry on using the pictograms. Pause the video 3mins28secs and ask your child, which is the most popular fruit? Which is the least popular fruit?
Day 4: Video clip showing a pictograms :
Games to show pictographs (you may need to read the question for your child): http://toytheater.com/fishing/#
Game advanced (your child will need to count jewels and see which is the largest number to answer the questions) http://toytheater.com/jewel-diver/
This week’s daily count to 100 song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGetqbqDVaA
Please stick to these songs for counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s if they are not yet secure in counting with these numbers. This will assist them to commit the numbers to memory with consistency.