Welcome to Year 4!
The teachers in Year 4 are Miss Barnett, Miss Nixon and Miss Underwood. We are supported by Mrs Huedebourk.
You can contact your class teacher on the following email addresses:
4B- miss.barnett@stthomasofcanterbury.thurrock.sch.uk
4N- miss.nixon@stthomasofcanterbury.thurrock.sch.uk
4U- miss.underwood@stthomasofcanterbury.thurrock.sch.uk
What we will be learning this week
This week (beginning 12/7/21) we are looking at:
RE- We will be finishing the topic of God's People, looking at the life of Martin Luther King
Reading and Writing- In our English lessons, we will be reading Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll and completing some drama activities and art work based on this. In Comprehension, we will be using all of our skills to answer questions.
Maths- We will be looking at Position and Direction on an X and Y axis.
This week we will also be having an Art day- please make sure that you have an Art shirt!
There will be no Maths or Spelling homework this week, but please keep on reading!
Each week you should be reading at least 5 times a week for at least 10 minutes. You should do a mixture of reading to yourself, to an adult or an adult can read to you. You can read a book from home, from your Class Library or on Bug Club. You must write in your reading record about what happened and your parents should sign it.
For Science Day, we learnt about Space, in preparation for Year 5. Below are some photos of our experiment, trying to create a chemical reaction for our rocket to take off. We were not very successful! We also explored what it is like onboard a rocket and learnt about the planets in the Solar System.
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In Science we have been learning about the Digestive System, including our teeth. We are carrying out an experiment to see what affect different liquids have on our tooth enamel by using eggshells.
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In History, we have looked at photographs of Ancient Egyptian artefacts and discussed their importance to finding out about Tutankhamun's life.
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For Maths Day, we worked out amounts of money in a variety of ways using different coins.
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In our PSHE lessons, looking at Diverse Britain, we taught each other about some of the different Human Rights through drama.
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In our RE topic of New Life, we created either a piece of artwork or drama to show Christian's understanding of the Holy Spirit
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To finish off our topic on Sound in Science, we built our own instruments out of recyclable materials. We had to try to make them change volume AND pitch.
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As it is Science Week this week, we made structures, exploring forces and what is needed to strengthen and to make them taller.
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In English, we created freeze frames to show Varjak and his family. Have a look at everyone's facial expressions- can you tell how each character feels about Varjak?
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For our DT lesson, we made healthy meals at home!
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Children enjoyed taking part in Screen Break Friday, both at home and at school.
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On Christmas jumper day, we made our theatres that we had designed in DT.
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We have been focusing on our characterisation in drama, thinking about how the character of Scrooge behaves and looks in A Christmas Carol
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This week, we made board games in our Design and Technology lesson based on Anglo-Saxon games we learnt about in out Topic lessons.
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Here we are dressed in red to fundraise for Remembrance Day
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For our geography topic on our local area, we visited our local park and identified some areas that need improving. Do you agree?
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4U's role play of Jesus calling Andrew and Simon from one of our RE lesson this week.
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Here we are interpreting Bible stories about Moses when exploring The Torah and Judaism
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English- planning for our debates about whether the 'Monster' should be exterminated
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