Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Miss Hayes, Mrs Darbro, Mrs Lafferty and Miss Grey are the Year 2 teachers.
You will be supported by Mrs Young, Mrs Robson and Mrs Casson.
Parents... please continue to practise number skills including times tables, addition, subtraction and division by 2, 5 and 10. We use informal methods such as partitioning and the number line, as discussed at Parents’ Evening. Relating times tables to division will be helpful as this will reinforce understanding.
Each Wednesday, you will be given homework. This should be handed in by the following Monday.
Each child should also complete 10 minutes of reading per day. Please sign your child's reading record to let us know when they have finished each book. They will then be able to change their reading book. Book changing days are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
If your child would like to read books from home or the local library, we would encourage you to record these in their reading record as well.
Year 2 Curriculum Overview
Week beginning 11th June 2018
If your child has brought home lines, please help them to learn these. Also, children will need to know the Hail Mary and Our Father prayers.
English - We will be continuing to read our new book called 'Hodgeheg.'
We will be writing stories about the main character, using descriptive sentences
Maths - We will be subtracting 2 digit numbers using number lines. We will also be counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
RE - We will be continuing with our topic of 'Rules,' where we will discuss ways to spread peace.
Science - We will be learning about the importance of hygiene.
PE - We will continue to learn and perform dance sequences.