Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
This year, your teachers and TA's are:
1B - Mrs Brind, Mrs Watras and Mrs Perry
1AD - Mrs Davies and Mrs Hubbard
1J - Miss Jones, Mrs Oliver (Monday & Tuesday) and Mrs Cantwell (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Year 1 is an important year. Your child will be following the new national curriculum. They will be following the whole school behaviour chart, where your child has an increased responsibility for their behaviour. At the end of each lesson your child will be expected to assess their learning using the self assessment charts. Your child will have a mixture of continuous provision (learning activities that the children choose which links to prior learning and out topic) and formal learning during the autumn term. From November 2017, all lessons will be taught as a whole class. There will be a continued focus on phonics as in June 2018, your child will take part in the phonics screen. Your child will flourish and become so much more independent.
Important information
Week beginning 9th July 2018
This week we will be learning about:
- English- We will be writing our own version of 'Zeraffa Giraffa'.
- Maths- Time - We will be learning to draw the hands to show O'clock and Half Past the hour. We will also be ordering the Days of the Week and Months of the Year
- RE- Neighbours - We will be discussing how to be a global neighbour.
- Science- We will be sorting animals in various ways.
- Design and Technology - Weaving.
- Computing - We will be thinking about the different steps that we need to take in our own recipe and the ingredients that we might need.
- PE- Games. We will be developing our team building skills and learning to throw and catch effectively.
- Geography - We will be comparing the physical and human features of the school to Wat Tyler Park.