Week 5
This week the children must take part and learn in more practical ways about money.
The key concept for this unit of work (MONEY) to master in Year 3 is; to add and subtract money, giving change from £ (pounds) and p (pence). This is a fantastic opportunity for playing shops with your children at home as this is the best way for them to learn.
The children will also be revising the three times table to ensure they continue to learn their multiplication and the associated division facts.
Parents: Copy and paste the above link in your web browser and it should take you to White Rose, Year 3 home learning activities. Please allow the children to watch the video each day associated with the activity they have to complete. Thank you for your continued support.
In addition to the video that you can watch is also the PPT to support your learning.
On day 4 there are 3 worksheets - the children must only choose and complete ONE.
D - Challenge 1
E - Challenge 2
GD - Challenge 3
Thank you