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Faith Council

Faith Council


The Faith Council consists of one child from Early Years to Year 6 who assist the Headteacher in all religious matters in the school. 


The Faith Council promise:

As members of the Faith Council, we promise that we will always do our best to;

- serve God

- show reverence when praying

- show kindness and respect to others

- care for others in our school community

- do what is right even when it may be difficult 


Faith Councillors will:

- Assist with RE assemblies

- Assist with religious displays

- Assist with charity events

- Assist with preparing Prayer services, Masses, etc.

- Promote the Catholic ethos and profile throughout the school community

- Be approachable, providing support and guidance to students at all levels in the school, thereby fostering a sense of community within the school

- Attend Faith Council meetings and training sessions

- Represents the views of their class and communicate information to their class about matters relating to school prayer life


Crowning of Mary