Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Your teachers for the new academic year will be: Miss Barry (Year group leader), Miss Hayes and Miss Underwood. We will be supported by Mrs McGinley and Mrs Walsh.
Please see the information about what to expect in Year 5.
Recovery Curriculum Updated March 2021
Weekly Focus
Week beginning 12/07/2021
In Writing this week we will be writing an explanation text based on Deforestation.
In Reading this week we will be continuing our text - Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver.
In Mathematics this week we are refreshing our knowledge of conversions, dividing and multiplying by 1000, fractions and decimals.
In Science this week we will look at life expectancy.
In R.E. this week we will be continuing to show self-planned our Collective Worships.
Homework is uploaded every Thursday to your child's Google Classroom. It is due the following Tuesday. To access the homework, your child needs to sign in to Google using their school log in. Then they can access Google Classroom using the 9 dots on the top right of the Google screen. Any problems, please contact your child's teacher.
Reading is also part of homework in Year 5 and it is expected that your child read at least 5 times a week for around 20 minutes each time. Please sign your child's Reading Record to confirm his/her reading has been completed.