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Year 3

~ Welcome to Year 3 ~ 


Your Teachers are Miss Barry (3B, Year Group Leader), Miss Newton (3N) and Miss Hamlet (3H). We are supported by Mrs Beasley (TA) Mrs Lochowska (TA) and Mrs Adams (SEN/D)


Reading for at least 10 minutes each day, 5 times per week, will also be expected as part of your child's homework. It is important to support your child with daily reading as this has a huge impact on their understanding, imagination, creativity and learning across all subjects. In Year 3, it is important to do a mixture of independent reading, reading with an adult and for your child to independently record their opinions about the book in their Reading Record. 

Homework is set on a Friday each week and due in the following Wednesday. Homework will usually consist of Spellings and a piece of Maths homework. Occasionally, children may be asked to create a project to present in class. 

Maths homework also includes participating on TTRS:


Our school postcode is RM175RW - St Thomas of Canterbury, Grays

Children will have a log in and password which was given to them last week.

Children will shortly be given a Bug Club log in, as well as a Google Classroom log in. 

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 3 Team

~Our Weekly Learning Focus~

Week Beginning 15.1.2024


In Writing this week, children continue with their character descriptions. They will finish writing their own, before editing and writing in best. 


In Reading this week, children will continue our class text, Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. They will begin reading the text, answering comprehension questions on the text, and making their own predictions based on evidence from the text. 


In Maths this week, children continue the topic of Multiplication and Division. Children will be reasoning about multiplication, multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number (with and without exchanges), and linking multiplication with division. 


In RE this week, children will continue the topic of Journeys. They will be learning about the feasts of Our Lady, looking at the Joyful Mysteries, before exploring psalms and focusing on Jesus wanting us to love one another. 


In Science this week, children continue the topic of Forces and Magnets. They will be comparing how things move on different surfaces, beginning to have a understanding of friction. 


In History this week, children continue the topic of Stone Age to Bronze Age. They will be going on a trip to Leeds Castle, taking part in a workshop, From Cave to Castle. This also links to our DT topic of Castle Structures, where children will be looking at the layout of the castle. 


In PSHE this week, we will be focusing on how we are a community of love. They will be exploring how the human family reflects the Holy Trinity in mutual charity and generosity. 


Please be reminded that Year 3 have P.E. on a Monday.


Please ensure children have the correct uniform - PE for Monday and the winter uniform. More information can be found on the school website, or on the Year 3 Parent Information Meeting PowerPoint.