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Home School Agreement


The Pupil will:

  • Wear my full school uniform each day
  • Get to school on time
  • Be polite and helpful to other pupils and staff
  • Listen to my teacher, other staff and other pupils
  • Always do my best and take pride in all aspects of my work
  • Always walk around the building
  • Respect school property and equipment and help to keep the school tidy
  • Follow the classroom and playground rules
  • Do my homework on time and to the best of my ability
  • Follow St Thomas’ Mission Statement
  • Remember that I belong to the family of St Thomas’



The family will:

  • Support the schools’ mission statement
  • Get to know about, and be involved with, my child’s life at school
  • Park safely in and around school in a calm and courteous manner.
  • Ensure my child attends school promptly, daily, and has respect for school property
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour
  • Support the school’s uniform policy
  • Support my child with homework and other opportunities for learning at home
  • Ensure my child is in school every day during term time except if they are unwell or there are any exceptional circumstances* which have been agreed with the school
  • Inform the school should my child be absent and provide a note of explanation on their return
  • Attend parent’s evening and meetings to discuss my child’s progress.



The School Will:

  • Support our school mission statement.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of your child.
  • Provide a learning environment that is safe, attractive and well resourced.
  • Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the daily life of the school. Appointments however will need to be made to ensure that the adults have sufficient time to listen to and address your concerns.
  • Encourage children to do their best at all times.
  • Keep you informed about general school matters and your child’s progress.
  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility.
  • Provide information to you regarding the areas of work to be studied.
  • Ensure that if we have any concerns regarding your child’s welfare we will inform you unless the concerns are such that we need to inform Social Care as stated in the School Prospectus and Child Protection Policy.
  • Provide and ensure safeguards in relation to children’s access to information across the Internet by using filtering systems.